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Yogi Bhajan & Guru Dev Singh

The legacy of Yogi Bhajan

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Yogi Bhajan (1929-2004) was a visionary spiritual leader who brought the ancient Teachings of Kundalini Yoga from India to the West in 1969. With boundless compassion and wisdom, he ignited a global spiritual revolution, touching countless lives.

Yogi Bhajan’s legacy lies not only in popularizing Kundalini Yoga but also in fostering a diverse and vibrant community united in love, peace, and consciousness. His Teachings transcended cultural and religious boundaries, promoting unity, tolerance, and self-awareness. Today, his profound impact endures through dedicated practitioners who continue to spread his teachings, transforming lives and illuminating the path to spiritual awakening.

Yogi Bhajan (1929-2004) was a visionary spiritual leader who brought the ancient Teachings of Kundalini Yoga from India to the West in 1969. With boundless compassion and wisdom, he ignited a global spiritual revolution, touching countless lives.

Yogi Bhajan’s legacy lies not only in popularizing Kundalini Yoga but also in fostering a diverse and vibrant community united in love, peace, and consciousness. His teachings transcended cultural and religious boundaries, promoting unity, tolerance, and self-awareness. Today, his profound impact endures through dedicated practitioners who continue to spread his teachings, transforming lives and illuminating the path to spiritual awakening.



Guru Dev Singh (1948 – 2021), a Sikh and disciple of Yogi Bhajan, was born in Puebla, Mexico. In the 1960s and 1970s, he felt a calling to explore the indigenous traditions of his country, a trend that was gaining popularity among the youth. His spiritual journey led him to Kundalini Yoga in 1971, and by 1978, he was learning Sat Nam Rasayan from Yogi Bhajan through a unique method of silence, allowing his teacher to assess his progress.

A pivotal moment occurred when Guru Dev Singh experienced a profound connection to the Sacred Space, leading Yogi Bhajan to end the teaching abruptly.  In 1981, Guru Dev Singh fully embraced the Sikh way of life and dedicated himself to healing through Sat Nam Rasayan.  Yogi Bhajan recognized Guru Dev Singh’s potential and, in 1992, entrusted him with the responsibility of preserving the Name and Lineage of Sat Nam Rasayan.  Guru Dev Singh relocated to Rome and began teaching the method orally, ultimately formalizing it as “Sat Nam Rasayan.”

This narrative reflects Guru Dev Singh’s transformative spiritual journey and his transition to becoming a master, solidifying his place in the Golden Chain of Sat Nam Rasayan.

Masters' Footprints: Honoring Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh's Enduring Legacy

Gurmukh & Gurushabd

The history between Gurmukh and Guruhabd with Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.

Hari Nam & Hari

The history between Hari Nam and Hari with Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.

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